
A healthy garden is an achievement to be admired, and something to be consumed in the case of fruits and vegetables. But, a healthy garden also requires time and attention that begins with the soil preparation for planting the first seeds, plants, bushes, hedges, fruit trees, or any other foliage that will grow on your property.

Bibra Lake Soils has a variety of soils which are ideal for gardening in the Perth region. If you are not sure what your soil composition is or what soil you will need for your garden, you can bring a sample to Bibra Lake Soils for an analysis.

For every garden foliage, there is a season. You’ll love the colourful results of all your efforts when you plant your garden at the right time of the year. One great month-by-month garden planting guide for the Perth area is by the Gardening Gals.

When planning your outdoor projects, remember that flower beds, vegetables, trees, and bushes will grow, thrive, and bloom if treated with the right fertiliser and mulch for the type of planting to be done. You’ll find garden fertilisers here, and a choice of garden mulches here.

One of the many benefits of hedge plants is it provides privacy.

For Property Boundaries Hedge Your Bet with Plants and Flowers

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Adding low-to-medium level hedges around your property edges can provide both a touch of beauty and an increase in the value of your home. These hedges can reduce neighbouring noises while providing you with a definite property line. Using hardy, drought-resistant, low-maintenance, native Australian plants and bushes is a wonderful way to sustain the regional…

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The Yacon resembles potatoes, sweet potatoes, and yams with flowering parts similar to sunflowers.

In the Garden with Yacon Tubers: The Naturally Sweet, Low Calorie, and Tasty Super Food

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If you are looking for a new vegetable to plant this year, may we recommend the taste-tempting yacon tuber? This vegetable has a unique flavour that is delectable whether eaten hot or cold. The yacon tuber has been growing (pun intended) in Australian popularity for the past decade. While the yacon may be part of…

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Planting bulbs in your garden

Summer Gardening: How to Plant Bulbs for a Rainbow of Colours

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Nothing says summer like bright sunshine and bright, beautiful flowers. And some of the most elegant, colourful flowers blossom from potted bulbs. Bulbs are easy to plant, they are easier to nurture than starting your flower garden from seeds and they have low maintenance requirements. When you plot out your flower garden with a variety…

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Grow Your Own Tomatoes at Home

Tomatoes: Plant in the Spring and Savour the Taste all Summer Long

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The time of the year has arrived that gardeners look forward to eagerly. With longer daytime sunshine and warmth, it’s time to get outside and plant our favourite taste of summer: Tomatoes. The annual tomato growing season in the greater Perth area is from August through November. With the wide selection of tomatoes, you will…

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Your complete guide to building a vegetable garden in Western Australia

Complete Guide to Building a Vegetable Garden in Western Australia

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The idea of having a vegetable garden in your backyard is indeed fascinating. However, most people would turn away from it because they get overwhelmed with all the tasks involved. In truth, you can have a successful vegie garden with little to no experience in gardening. With proper planning and guidance, you can build a…

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Luffa Vegetable

How to Grow Luffa (Also Known as Loofah) as a Vegetable or Sponge

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Planning a bountiful garden comes to mind when warmer weather arrives. If you are looking for something different to add to your garden this year, you might think about growing luffa gourds. The luffa, also spelled as loofah, is a member of the cucumber family. The ridged gourd species is the Luffa Acutangula and the…

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Lavender flowers

Your Spring Gardening Time Has Arrived

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Without a doubt, as the weather warms up and the days are getting longer, our attention turns to the beautification of our lawns, plants, and gardens. There is a renewed energy in the air, energy to get outside, and energy to get chores accomplished. But, before placing your favourite vegetables, flowers, plants or bushes in…

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