
See Our Full Range of Soils in Our Bibra Lake Yard

We stock one of Perth’s largest range of soils including top soils, garden soil, landscape mix, veggie mix, lawn mix, potting mix and more.

Need help getting your soil delivered to your home? We offer free 2 hour trailer use for all our customers! If you’re not sure how much soil you need, use our handy soil calculator.

Some soils are best mixed with mulch and soil conditioners. This will cause the fungi and soil bacteria to break down the organic matter, slowly releasing nutrients in the process. If you are unsure which soil is right for you, please speak to one of our staff members in our Bibra Lake yard, or contact us via phone or email.

Rich Grow Native
Soil Mix

This Australian standard native soil mix is specially formulated with the highest quality products to suit your native plants and garden.

Bibra Lake Soils
Landscape Mix

  • 100% organic 
  • Loam
  • FOGO compost

This landscape mix enriches your garden with food and garden organics compost and improves soil structure, promoting healthy and vibrant plant growth.

Special Lawn Mix

  • Top dressing sand
  • Gingin loam
  • Poultry manure

Excellent topdressing for stimulating tired lawns (especially in Perth’s harsh summer climate) and levelling uneven lawns. Used underneath rolled turf to give a good base for the lawn to grow into. Min 50mm.

Bibra Lake Soils Veggie Mix

  • 100% organic
  • FOGO compost
  • Sheep and cow manure

This veggie mix enhances soil fertility and provides a rich source of nutrients, ensuring strong and healthy growth for your vegetables.

Bibra Lake Soils Soil Conditioner

  • Composted garden organics
  • Mushroom compost
  • Chicken manure
  • Water Wise certified
  • Certified organic

Formulated with high organic matter and nutrients to build a healthy environment for your plants, this can also be used as professional top dressing for your lawn.

Mushroom Compost

  • Composted garden organics
  • Spent mushroom
  • Chicken manure
  • Organic matter
  • Australian Standard 4454

An all-round soil conditioner that aids and in moisture retention and improves soil microbiology. Can be used for mulch around your plants.

Aussie Organic Mushroom Compost

  • Great source of organic matter
  • Has a high water holding capacity
  • Stores up to 65% of it’s own weight in water

Ideal for vegetable gardens, vineyards & trees as it breaks down quickly to supply the plant with valuable nutriets, encourages root growth, resulting in healthier plants. Not recommended for some native plants and acid loving plants.

Brunnings Garden Soil

  • Improves soil structure and water & nutrient retention.
  • Stimulates healthy microbial soil and earthworm activity.
  • Ideal for organic vegetable gardens.

A rich blend of natural material, composted to become a rich humus. Perfect for new garden beds and topping up existing garden. Contains many of the essential food nutrients necessary for plants as well as providing a healthy medium for micro and macro organism activity.